Hay Fever Relief Tips | Mobility Shop | Ableworld News



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Hay fever relief tips

This entry was posted in General June 14, 2016

Sick & tired of hay fever already? Here are some tips that will hopefully help you control it a little better. Ableworld Hayfever Tips

Hay fever is an allergy where pollen triggers antibodies, causing you to react. It is estimated that 18 million people suffer from hay fever in the UK, so don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Instead of explaining to you why pollen is so bad for you, what it does to you and how it affects you in depth, let’s talk about how to try an relieve symptoms from the devil that is hay fever!    

  1. Shutting the windows first thing in the morning will help stop the pollen from starting your day with a nasty array or sneezing.
  2. When the pollen count is high at around 50 to 150, try to stay indoors.
  3. Get yourself a pair of wraparound sunglasses to help protect your eyes from pollen.
  4. Putting petroleum jelly on the inside of your nostrils will help trap pollen.
  5. Sitting in large open grass areas doesn’t help, and mowing the lawn is a big no no when the pollen count is high!
  6. Wash your hands and face often.
  7. Try not to drive with your windows open, it allows pollen to get in.
  8. After being out all day, pollen could have easily stuck to your hair, so wash it before you go to bed so that it doesn’t get onto your pillow at night.
  9. Pollen can get into your carpet, so make sure that you are vacuuming regularly.
  10. Make sure you seek hay fever treatment as it is well known to have a strong link with asthma.

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